Penobscot County Commissioners' Minutes from July 23, 2019
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Penobscot County Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes July 23, 2019 2247 9:00 AM Commissioners Peter Baldacci, Andre Cushing & Laura Sanborn 75°
Approval of Minutes -
Commissioner Cushing made a motion to approve June 25th, July 2 and July 9, 2019 meeting minutes. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve passed 3-0.
2019 Roadway Paving Project Greenfield Township Bids Opening –
Commissioner Baldacci opened up the 2019 Roadway Paving Project for Greenfield Township. The following five vendors submitted their bids by the deadline.
Contractor Binder per Ton Shim & Overlay per Ton Street’s Landscape 105.00 69.90 Eaton Paving 120.00 72.47 Hopkins Paving, LLC 125.00 78.00 Wellman Paving 200.00 81.68 Vaughn Thibodeau 200.00 87.00
Commissioner Cushing made a motion to accept Barbara Veilleux’s recommendation to award Street’s Landscape for the Roadway Paving Project in Greenfield Township. Commissioner Baldacci seconded the motion. Motion to approve passed 2-0; 1 Abstained.
2019 Myra Road Gravel Project Bids Opening –
Commissioner Baldacci opened up the 2019 Myra Road Gravel Project Bids Opening. The following three vendors submitted their bids by the deadline.
Contractor Price per Yard Yards Project Total Reinzo Excavation 10.25 3300 33,835 Wellman Paving 25.60 3400 87,040 Sunset Development 25.82 3000 77,460
Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to accept Barbara’s recommendation for the 2019 Myra Road Gravel Project to be awarded to Reinzo Excavation. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion to approve passed 3-0. Grand Lake Road Snow Removal Bids Opening –
Commissioner Baldacci opened up the Grand Lake Road Snow Removal Bids Opening. The following two vendors submitted their bids by the deadline.
Contractor K&C Quick Stop Gregg Smallwood
Plow per Mile/Yr 1-5 5,200 5,400
Sand per Yard/Yr 1-3 $13.00 $14.00
Sand per Yard/Yr 4-5 $13.00 $14.50
Fuel Clause Yes No
Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to take these bids under advisement pending review of equipment and references of K & C Quick Stop. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion to approve passed 3-0.
Argyle Snow Removal Bids Opening –
Commissioner Baldacci opened up the Argyle Snow Removal Bid Opening. The following vendor submitted their bid by the deadline.
Contractor Price per Mile /Years 1-5 Sand per Yard/ Year 1-5 Reinzo Excavation 4,800 11.00
Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to take this bid under advisement pending inspection of equipment. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion to approve passed 3-0.
UT Update –
George Buswell reported on a complaint of an illegal junkyard in Greenfield from DEP. George met on site with the DEP. This is on a private side road behind a gate which have two property owners. The DEP as well as George couldn’t find any violations or concerns. Someone is storing metal and white goods beside a shared road. It is an eyesore.
Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve the MOU between the County and the Town of Alton in regards to insurance carrier on the jointly owned salt/sand shed. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0. Signed. Barbara presented the PERC partnership agreement for review. Barbara is awaiting an additional clarification before she makes a recommendation to the Commission.
Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve an animal control agreement for the Town of Clifton ending 12/31/19. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0. Signed.
Barbara and George reported on the Prentiss junkyard. A large pole barn that hid some of the mess in back of the property has been torn down and all the lumber is now in front of the road.
George reported that all the prep work for our projects are complete and ready to go once the bids are awarded.
Sheriff’s Update –
Sheriff reported that today’s jail population is 163 (132 males, 31 females) with 48 boarded out to other county jails and 74 inmates in Maine Pre-Trial Services. In the last 72 hours we had 32 new arrests and 30 were bailed out.
Deputies responded to three fatalities including a teenager in Hudson, a well-respected citizen from Eddington and a single occupant on a motorcycle crash in Long A township. Deputies also responded to an overdose in Clifton.
Sheriff praised PRCC and Glenburn fire department for the work that they handle, balancing all the calls coming in.
Sheriff would like to revisit with maintenance the air conditioning situation in the jail. Cap reported that this is a very old system and the design is subject to what Mother Nature offers. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that Cap would look into pricing heat pumps in the different zones most affected by the heat/cold.
Sheriff would like to discuss the snow plow contract that recently went out for RFP and how we plan on addressing the use of inmates (trustees). The Sheriff said he does not have enough correction officers to supervise the trustees outside. It was understood that the new part time maintenance position would have that responsibility included in his job description. Commissioner Baldacci requested to include pricing of shoveling, snow blowing and salting/sanding sidewalks and entrances in the bids requested. The Sheriff’s Office will continue to provide help of the trustees; however, we need someone to supervise them. The video arraignment project started this week where everyone is being transported to Court. There were provisions requested by the Sheriff:
o Court paperwork will be taken back by the Court Clerks o Financial screening will be back at the Courts o Fair assessment of space available allowing 19 inmates based on classifications o We asked the court NOT to schedule other court hearings on the same days as arraignments
Sheriff feels now that the video arraignment project is in full swing, we can temporarily utilize this room to be used for intake; not booking. Sheriff will present a proposal in a couple weeks to hire two civilian staff clerical members to provide administrative work and free up the corrections officers.
Sheriff reported the Muskie School open grant is for rural studies of jail populations. Penobscot County Jail is one of five jails in Maine not classified as rural. The Muskie School is going to study those jails. There have been at least four grants in the last four years that the Muskie School has applied on behalf of Jails. The Sheriff’s Office actively applies for grants in hopes for additional funding.
Commissioner Sanborn moved to approve part time wages be adjusted for the Law Enforcement to $14.50 first year, $15 second year, $15.50 third year and $16 fourth year. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0.
Sheriff reports that day reporting (alternative sentencing) is on hold just for the time being.
Bill reported there was a positive meeting with AG Aaron Frye on the Opioid Task Force Lawsuit.
Maintenance Update -
Cap reported the elevator part has been shipped. Unfortunately, the piece needed was obsolete, thus a new one had to be manufactured. Cap is in hopes this will be installed by end of week, beginning of next week.
Cap has worked on the old DA vehicle getting road worthy, and will get with the trustees to get it cleaned up.
PRCC Update –
Chris Lavoie reported that he went to Aroostook County last week to speak to Administrator Pelletier about the renewal of their contract. Chris felt that even though their RFP has not gone out yet for the PSAP contract; it was important to meet with them. Chris received no negative feedback. They had lots of good questions. Chris feels that this was well worth the trip.
On “I AM RESPONDING”, Chris has the user agreement/MOU in final draft and will present to the Board of Directors next Wednesday.
Chris reported that the Senior Operator Position was posted internally in PRCC. Four applications were submitted; however, we request a minimum of three years full time dispatching in order to be considered for this position. Two applicants are qualified to go through the interview process. PRCC has implemented a new promotion process with more structure. This week, the two candidates are going to start the new process including testing by a third party, an oral board, and then the Directors oral board.
Chris has been working on the coverage maps with consultant Norm Boucher. We are ready to go to RFP. We are requesting an additional $13,500 for Norm’s services. These monies will allow Norm to update the site information book, attend the pre-bid conference, answer questions of vendors, and then receive bids submitted and analyze them. Chris states when it was initially discussed the cost estimate was $5-6M. However, after reviewing what we have available, it looks more like $1-$1.5M. Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve the funding for the consultant Norm Boucher to assist on this radio tower project up to $13,500. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0.
Probate Update –
Renee Stupak, Register of Probate, thanked the Commissioners for accommodating her clerical specialist Becky Woodard with bereavement on the recent loss of her mother.
Renee will attending the MARP meeting next week. This meeting will iron out the recent amendment on the use of the new form which is supposed to go in effect September 1. Renee is in hopes that a decision will be made in which form(s) are to be filled out before the September 1st deadline.
Renee said other counties are overwhelmed too with the amount of cases regarding guardianships and the lack of attorneys. Commissioner Baldacci feels that Penobscot County Bar Association should place this topic on their agenda for their next meeting so that attorneys are aware of this situation.
DA Update –
DA Marianne Lynch and Kristine Higgins requested approval for Investigator Gary
Higgins purchased a new bulletproof vest for $1,065 from monies used from the criminal forfeiture Account. Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve this purchase. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0.
Kristine presented for signature a criminal forfeiture funds for the DA’s Office.
o State vs Boutilier in the forfeiture amount of 15% of $2,764 to the DA’s office and 85% going to the Sheriff’s Office
Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve this request. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0. Signed.
Marianne spoke to AG Frey regarding the State (MSP and MDEA) also providing 15% in forfeiture amounts to be shared with DA’s Office. This topic is still in discussion.
Commissioner Baldacci thanked Marianne for working diligently on the diversion programs to keep people out of jail.
Public Comment –
Larry Dansinger provided an article from BDN by Callie Ferguson regarding addiction. Commissioner Baldacci stated that it is being found that that Drug Court isn’t always the best use of resources. The program is very costly and impacts a few people with a modest result.
Finance Update –
Judy Alexander, Director of Finance reported State’s FY19 Jail end.
o Revenue was up $531,896 over what was anticipated; $468 K of those funds were supplemental money. o Expenses were $63,659 over budget due to the increases in medical contract, overtime and prescription costs. Judy felt this is due to the overcrowding in the jail.
Judy will be in next week to report where the County is at the half year mark.
We received the PILT funds of $355 K. The Commissioners earmarked $175,000 of these funds for the Katahdin Revitalization Project and have been placed in a separate bank account.
The County received supplemental jail revenue of $237 K. Judy reports we received this year’s jail funding of $2.25 M. This give us a cash balance of $2.1 M.
Judy states that we haven’t started paying off the TAN. It has a current balance of $1.9M. Judy doesn’t believe we will need to borrow any additional TAN monies.
Judy provided an informational spreadsheet of municipalities who have paid their tax bills to date. Judy provided the Commissioners with a proposed calendar for the 2020 Budget Season.
Administration Update –
Bill reported the contract agreement with elevator providers Thyssen Krupp was modified and returned.
Lobstermania is Thursday at 5:30 at the BARN. Mary Anne registered the attendees representing Penobscot County.
Bill reported a decision was made to change the County’s dues formula for the coming year at last week’s MCCA meeting.
The EMDC Grant was submitted for the Hermon Intermodal Terminal.
Bill provided registration forms for the MCCA Convention to be held in September.
Snow plow bids for the County will be opened at next week’s meeting.
A Disability Awareness Presentation was held two days last week. We had excellent attendance across the County. A big thank you to HR Director Erika Honey for arranging this training.
Erika celebrated her six month anniversary yesterday with the County.
Bill presented WBRC’s updated contract agreement with the County. Commissioner Sanborn made a motion to approve the agreement as presented. Commissioner Cushing seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0. Signed.
Bill met with Rob Frank from WBRC and asked that a timeline schedule be developed.
Joanna Russell is on vacation this week.
Susan Bulay is receiving a lot of out of state/out of country interest on the Records Management System Bid for Deeds.
We have advertised the paving specs for the Post Office repaving job. This is to be opened at the August 6th meeting.
Payroll Change Notices signed for: Joseph D. Baillargeon, Camron T. Barrieau, Chad B. Foley and Jason M. Linkletter– Hired Full-Time; Robert McCarthy – Deceased; James Nicholas – Resignation; Ruth Doherty, Jessica Luna, James Roy and Chad Young – Payroll Changes; Barbara Veilleux and Cap Ayer– Comp time.
Payroll Warrant to be approved for pay date 7/12/19: $265,487.21 Payroll Warrant to be approved for pay date 7/19/19: $ 222,129.87 Accounts Payable Warrant to be approved for pay date 7/16/19: $177,830.92 Accounts Payable Warrant to be approved for pay date 7/17/19: $4,615.50 Accounts Payable Warrant to be approved for pay date 7/23/19: $60,576.44 UT A/P Warrant to be approved for 7/9/19 FY 19: $18,227.21 UT A/P Warrant to be approved for 7/9/19 FY 20: $19,135.89 UT A/P Warrant to be approved for 7/23/19 FY 20: $25,048.00 UT TIF Warrant to be approved for 7/9/19 FY 19: $7,126.14
Executive Session---Commissioner Cushing made a motion to go into Executive Session at 11:09 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (D) Contract Matter. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Motion approve 3-0. Present were: Bill Collins, Barbara Veilleux, George Buswell and John Hiatt. Session ended at 11: 25 a.m. NO votes taken.
Executive Session---Commissioner Cushing made a motion to go into Executive Session at 11:25 a.m., under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (D) Contract Matter. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Vote to approve 3-0. Present were: Bill Collins, Chris Lavoie. Josh Lilley and John Hiatt. Session ended at 11:47 a.m. NO votes taken.
Meeting Adjourned-
Commissioner Cushing moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:48 a.m. with no further business on the agenda. Commissioner Sanborn seconded the motion. Moved to approve 3-0
Certified By: Administrator, Bill Collins Peter K. Baldacci, Chairman Laura J. Sanborn, Commissioner Andre E. Cushing, III, Commissioner